Every artist was once an amatuer - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pomegranate Icecream

OK so this is a little out of the usual and I'm not even sure if I should be doing this being that this is a sewing a craft blog, but here you go.
I just love pomegranate SO much I need to add this straight away.  This is a tutorial for Pomegranate icecream. And isn't the picture beautiful? All rights reserved to Cafefenando He suggests you use a icecream machine but leaves links for you to make this recipe using only your freezer.  Yum! Tutorial here. Happy MIXING!


  1. Oh my, that looks so yummy. I'm thinking of getting an ice cream maker attachment for my kitchenaid mixer. Maybe I'll ask Santa for one. Then make pomegranate ice cream

  2. Isn't it delicious looking?? Such a PRETTY pink!
