Every artist was once an amatuer - Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to be alone

A video by fiilmaker, Andrea Dorfman, and poet/singer/songwriter, Tanya Davis.

Davis wrote the beautiful poem and performed in the video which Dorfman directed, shot, animated by hand and edited. The video was shot in Halifax, Nova Scotia and was produced by Bravo!FACT http://www.bravofact.com/

For more information on Tanya, go to http://www.tanyadavis.ca or visit her facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/p... You can purchase her first two CDs Make A List and Gorgeous Morning on iTunes and look out for her third CD which will be released in the fall!

For more information on Andrea Dorfman, visit her facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Andrea-... or http://www.andreadorfman.com

This video was shot on a Panasonic HVX 200 and the animation was hand drawn+painted and then scanned into Adobe After Effects, exported as QTs and edited on FCP.

A bib size messup.

FOr those of you that do not know, I recieved some brilliant news the other day.  My beautiful sister Rhea is pregnant! So I set myself a challenge.  I was going to make at least 1 baby related gift every 2 weeks till the baby was due.  (I know, I know but with the move in play and jai going back to highschool in two weeks, I was being realistic..)

This blog was supposed to be a triumphant enty entitled "First baby gifts done!"  But instead this is what happened. I had just finished sewing the basic bib pattern from Nested: Something to Make.    I was sewing and I was thinking that something was wrong. It wasn't till the end that I looked at it and thought "that looks a bit small...." I went back to the website for advice...DAMN BORDERLESS PRINTING! I should of seen that!. 
Anyway, the new pattern looks a much more reasonable size and sewing this paticular piece was fun so I have no problem doing it again.  I also have plenty of the fabric left.  It's made them look very cute!